The Huffington Post: "Little Luxuries on the Trail"

The story:

After a day of hiking, biking, or kayaking, we will never confuse sleeping in a tent with the plush bed at home, but we can console ourselves by making sure we pack a few little luxuries. Most take up minimal space in a pack or pannier, and knowing we have these along helps us relax and enjoy the fun times around the campfire with friends. Whether they keep us or our gear warm and dry, maintain our devices power or connectivity, give us light, or help us take killer video, each deserves a place of honor in our kit.

Durable, anti-slip Bokos sandals will be your favorite piece of equipment whether you are heading from your tent to the campground shower or walking across hot sand for a swim in the ocean.

To see the story online: Bokos in The Huffington Post