The Millennials
"The Millennials" is a Docu-Style reality series that follows a group of five 20-somethings as they operate their Minneapolis-based footwear company, Bokos. As the owners of a successful, youthful retail company, the line is often blurred between working hard to grow the brand and playing even harder.
The show follows Matt and James McManus, the Bokos founders (and brothers), Amanda McManus (Bokos CFO, and Matt's wife), as well as two employees of the company, Kyle Saaf and Kasey Summer.
The structure of the show is straightforward: The group (McManus brothers and friends) created a profitable, growing company, and as such, they operate under their own set of rules. Considering their demographic (millennials), disregarding important work functions for tangential activities with their employees/friends is standard practice. The company serves as a backdrop for their antics, and is the important enabling factor for why their day can be spent engaging in miscellaneous activities rather than working.
One such plotline begins with Kyle and Kasey overzealously ensuring Matt and James that they will finish fulfilling orders from over the weekend by later that afternoon. The two groups engage in a friendly wager, which results in Kyle and Kasey both showing up to dates that evening dressed in outfits chosen by the McManus brothers. As such, instead of spending the day working, the group takes the rest of the day off to choose the outfits and prepare for the dates. This plotline is showcased in the video above.
Additional episodes involve hosting various celebrity influencers at the Bokos headquarters (the Bokos owners have direct lines of communications with professional cyclist Alison Tetrick, professional surfer Claire Bevilacqua, fitness model Hope Beel, professional wrestler Amanda Saccomanno, fitness model Claire Rae, and celebrity trainer Jennifer Nicole Lee), following the owners on-location as they travel to industry tradeshows, and other generalized situations revolving around the motif of disregarding important work operations for outrageous, amusing activities.
The world that the viewer enters is a look at five Millennials who can do what they want, when they want; because they have created a profitable, popular company that allows them to work on their own terms. It capitalizes on the most popular demographic in the country at the moment (Millennials), often cementing the common stereotypes of what a "millennial" is defined as, while also contrasting some of the more negative connotations associated with this demographic.
Since the company's launch in 2013, Bokos has developed a network of retailers around the United States with over 300 independent retailers carrying the product.
The brand has been covered in all of the major newspapers and television networks in the Midwest (Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, Wisconsin State Journal, WKOW, WCCO, Kare11, Channel3000, KMOV, WBFF Fox Baltimore, Madison Magazine). It has also been featured by a number of leading media outlets including The Today Show, The Huffington Post, Bicycling Magazine, Women's Running, Travel Weekly, Muscle & Fitness, Life & Style, Woman's World, and Yahoo! Travel.
In addition to their press coverage, Bokos has also been spotted on world-class athletes, Olympians, celebrity trainers, and some of the most popular personalities on the Internet.